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European Nail Association

Fachverband Europäischer Naildesigner

European Nail Association
European Nail Association

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Special attention is directed to European Nail Association in collaboration with the World Nail Association and the International Nail Association on the organization of international and national championships, in particular the most important event in the entire nail industry, WORLD NAIL CHAMPIONSHIP, among other things, fair and friendly competition the competitor and the respect for the achievements of each and every nail designer sees as a task.

Velden has next to Monaco the highest celebrity density, but has a better infrastructure by 100%. There are an average of 98 Top Celebrities per day around Lake Wörthersee.

For the world's most important event in the entire nail industry, we have selected the most spectacular location: The Schlosshotel am Wörthersee. This hotel served as a backdrop for the most successful film series all times: "Ein Schloß am Wörthersee". This series was dubbed into 32 languages and is situated in the statistics in the first place before Dallas, Dynasty (Dynasty) and Baywatch.

In addition, the Schlosshotel Velden is named the most luxurious hotel in Austria and was awarded the "European Property Award", which means that it is THE BEST hotel in Austria.



Link : http://www.world-nail-championship.com

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