03. Means for the Achievement of the Association’s Purpose


  • It is intended to achieve the purpose of the association by the non-material and material means listed in paragraphs 2 and 3 below.

The following serve as non-material means:

    1. Ausrichtung diverser nationaler sowie internationaler Veranstaltungen
    2. Abhaltung von Schulungen für das Naildesign
    3. Herausgabe von Publikationen
    4. Abhaltung von Meisterschaften


  • The necessary material means are intended to be raised by:

a) Joining fees and membership fees
b) Revenue from events
c) Revenue from championships (e.g. entry fees)
d) Donations
e) Sponsoring
f) Revenue from training courses (fees, issuing of certificates)
g) Subscription fees for publications
h) Fees for the evaluation and certification of nail studios



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