About ENA

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Welcome to the European Nail Association, the Association of European Nail Designer. The European Nail Association conquers the European market with giant strides. The ENA is an overriding interests representation of all European hand Estheticians.

The ENA is THE advocacy group of nail designers in Europe which takes care of the protection, the support and the acceptance of the job outline.

In cooperation with the European Nail Academy nail designers are prepared for their way into a profit-seeking future within the framework of a highly qualified and professional education by accredited trainers. Specific training and the support of the whole job outline assures the high quality for the customers of the nail studios.

Special attention is being paid towards the hosting of international and national championships. A special interest applies to the most important event in the entire nail industry, the "WORLD NAIL CHAMPIONSHIP", which sees a fair and friendly competition of the competitors and the respect for the achievements of each individual nail designer as a mission.

It also involves the training and promotion of jurors, who are trained by international evaluation criteria and who have rendered by their work for the interests of the nail designer deserves. A focus is given to the elaboration of multi-stage competition directives in order to determine clearly the winner..

The protection of the nail designers from unfair competition, unprofessional training , unscrupulous distributors and non-approved products is another extremely important area of responsibility.

The security of nail salons and those customers may be affected, especially in our time, the growing number of discount stores in the market under any circumstances. The implementation of the European cosmetics Regulation in cooperation with the competent authorities shall apply this special attention.

Become a member of the largest consortium of European Nail and Hand Estheticians.

About Ena
For a personal consultation is ready to help you: KoR CEO Dipl.-BW Ina Maria Schmid MBA.

Your questions will be answered loving writing or by telephone.

ENA - European Nail Association
Brauhausgasse 18
A- 9500 Villach
Tel: +43 (0) 42 54 / 25 7 33
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As ENA member you get the reduced entrance...
The World Nail Championship is being held...
You have many advantages as a member of the...
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ENA - European Nail Association
Brauhausgasse 18
9500 Villach
Austria | Europe

Anmeldeformular [German]

Mitgliedsbeitrag nur € 8,- monatlich!
€ 418,- Euro gespart!
ENA Master Silber nav
ENA - European Nail Association

Brauhausgasse 18
A- 9500 Villach

Tel: +43 (0) 42 54 / 25 7 33
eMail: info@european-nail-association.com


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