13. Special Duties of Individual Management Committee Members

  • The President manages the association’s on-going business. The secretary supports the President with the management of the association’s business.
  • The President represents the association outwardly. In order to be valid, the association’s written documents require the President’s signature and, if they relate to financial matters (asset dispositions) they require the signatures of the President and the treasurer. Legal transactions between management committee members and the association require the President’s consent.
  • The legal authority to represent the association outwardly or to sign on behalf of the association may only be granted by the management committee members mentioned in paragraph 2.
  • In cases of urgency, the President has the right (at his own responsibility) to issue instructions in relation to matters within the area of responsibility of the general assembly or the management committee; for internal purposes, however, these require the subsequent approval of the responsible organ of the association.
  • The President chairs the general assembly and the management committee.
  • The secretary records the minutes of the general assembly and the management committee.
  • The treasurer is responsible for the proper management of the association’s finances.
  • In the event absence, the places of the President, the secretary and the treasurer shall be taken by their representatives.

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