• The members of the association are divided into VIP-members, ordinary members, extraordinary members and honorary members.
  • VIP-members and ordinary members are those who fully participate in the work of the association.
  • Extraordinary members are those who primarily promote the activities of the association by paying an increased membership fee.
  • Honorary members are persons who are nominated for their special services in connection with the association.
About Ena
For a personal consultation is ready to help you: KoR CEO Dipl.-BW Ina Maria Schmid MBA.

Your questions will be answered loving writing or by telephone.

ENA - European Nail Association
Brauhausgasse 18
A- 9500 Villach
Tel: +43 (0) 42 54 / 25 7 33
eMail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!


As ENA member you get the reduced entrance...
The World Nail Championship is being held...
You have many advantages as a member of the...
Mitglied werden
Werden Sie jetzt Mitglied im größten Zusammenschluss europäischer Naildesigner!!!

Bitte laden Sie sich das pdf - Anmeldeformular hier herunter.
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Das Porto übernehmen wir für Sie!

ENA - European Nail Association
Brauhausgasse 18
9500 Villach
Austria | Europe

Anmeldeformular [German]

Mitgliedsbeitrag nur € 8,- monatlich!
€ 418,- Euro gespart!
ENA Master Silber nav
ENA - European Nail Association

Brauhausgasse 18
A- 9500 Villach

Tel: +43 (0) 42 54 / 25 7 33
eMail: info@european-nail-association.com


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